
True Wuv

Thursday Donna Cummings, a former crush, flew into town for a baby shower. She is 8 months pregnant and not with my baby which was only slightly disappointing. I love Donna. I loved the looks people gave us as we shopped at the Galleria together. We look like a couple. But I thank God that he did not make her my wife. She is wonderful and lovely, but her and Chris are a much better fit and he has a much higher tolerance for her needs. Like $700 dollar purses and $200 dollar shoes.

Here we are looking at Darren Woodson from the Dallas Cowboys while Crista snapped a picture. My face looks chubbier in pictures than it does to me when I look in the mirror. Why is that? Yikes. Oh, and that shirt. It was on sale! I know I look like an old person about ready to take hop on a cruise ship or play a round of golf, but you it is short sleeved and it was on sale – really!

Lunch was sublime. I never get to use that word and it is perfect here. Donna, Jamie, and Crista were a delight and we laughed and caught up and had a great time in general. Donna is having a little girl and they are going to name it Colby – like the cheese.

Friday rolled around and I was really psyched about going to Tulsa for Alan’s wedding. Sonny and I met in McKinney and we proceeded to Tulsa. We checked into our hotel which featured warm chocolate chip cookies at check-in and they were AMAZING. We later scooped up our tuxes and then returned to the hotel and got gussied up for the rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner. The rehearsal dinner was divine. 2 inch thick steaks with backed potatoes and mixed veggies. A chocolate brownie with a chocolate covered strawberry for dessert and they had an open bar. I have never been to a rehearsal dinner that was so fabulous.

After dinner a group of us guys went to hang and smoke cigars in celebration of Alan’s last day as a bachelor. Even Jimmy made an appearace…

Jimmy was quite popular with the ladies.

Alan is looking a little tired… tired of Jimmy getting all the attention!

Saturday started with a light breakfast of milk, cookies, and a crossaint. We later went to a park and played one of the shortest and hottest games of Ultimate Frisbee that I have ever played.

Sweating like a pig and wheezing like a person with stage 5 emphysema we decided we would stop playing frisbee and go and watch Snakes on a Plane! Unfortunately, that plan didn’t work out and so we went to Senor Tequila’s instead.

I wonder what John is talking about?

Cribby was delighted with his choice of fajitas. (fajitas not shown)

After lunch we went back to the hotel and relaxed for a few minutes. I had a sumo headache and none of the recreational drugs that I packed would make it go away. I was forced to consume liquids and they only seemed to go right through me and so I had to pee like 5 times an hour before the wedding.

The wedding was beautiful, so beautiful that it caused the angels in heaven to cry and their tears fell like rain. How did I know it was angel rain? Because according to the groom, Captain Alan Meadows, when God cries, he cries Dr. Pepper.

I was in the wedding and so I don’t have any photos of the ceremony, but here are a few of my favorites from the reception:

I was too busy to even shave and it shows in this picture. I even brought my razor and I had good intentions. This is Cribby next to me.

Nikki and Allison lookin perty as usual, both great friends that are married with children. All my friends are growing up.

Sarah, Stowe and Tristan Campbell. A very happy family. Sarah is expecting baby #2 in December! (December babies are the best by the way)

Luke is surprised by the Camera while Scott Seargant, the Marine, is always ready for his picture to be taken.

Gina and Drewby, also expecting baby #3. It is always good to see them. I have known Drew since High School Youth Group at Denton Bible.

This is one of my favorites. If you look closely you can even see Don McWhinney in the back looking pensive as well. Shown at the table is Gina and Dave and Lacy Carter. Dave and Lacy are also pregnat with baby #2.

Cribby and Jenni – both great friends and Jenni is so funny. She can be surprisingly sassy depsite the fact that she is most of the time sweet and reserved. Her and Cribby both are like family and it was great getting to spend so much time with them.

And in closing…

This girl played the violin at the wedding and it was really beautiful.

Saturday we all got up and went to a brunch at the Ambassador Hotel and wished Amanda and Alan blessings and love as they headed off to Big Cedar Lodge in Missouri. I told Alan that I planned to go their on my honeymoon and he was like, “oh, well, we wish you could come but…”

This was by far the most extravagant wedding that I have ever been to, but it was most enjoyable because of so many friends and family came together to celebrate something miraculous – True Wuv.

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