
Microsoft Office 2007

If you don’t work with computers and you aren’t into technology and you don’t watch the news and your house is under a rock, then you might not know that Microsoft released a new operatings system recently called Vista. It’s pretty and it stole a lot of ideas from the Mac, but right now I don’t think anyone really wants to use it. Like all Microsoft applications it has bugs and who wants to install an operating system that is filled with bugs that will have to be patched later?

If you work in Information Technology then you just sit by and wait for a service pack or a hot fix to come out to fix your latest cache of problems. For the most part Microsoft’s apps work great, especially for the price*, but I think everyone that has used a PC knows that sometimes crap is going to happen and so you better back up your work.

All that being said I have to say that I am muy impressed with Microsoft’s Office 2007. It is smart and has these big fisher price buttons that make everything easy to see and read. The calendar in Outlook has a cleaner layout and my favorite program, PowerPoint, is nothing short of amazing!

Now some people Biggy may make fun of me for doing most of my design in PowerPoint, but I’m just better with it than I am with Photoshop and I like it. It’s much faster and more intuitive than Photoshop and now it allows even more control with extra built in features! I’m lovin’ it! So since it would be easier to just show you some of the features I put a picture in here below. Now the colors on this were just thrown together, but you can see the cool things that it does and how if you are in need of a super sweet presentation the new PowerPoint will be able to wow your toughest critics and if you like to do web design where you need to create 3-D buttons and arrows, now you can do it with ease.

So my advice, don’t run out and get Vista until next year. It’s pretty, and it is probably going to be a great operating system but let them work out the bugs first. However, do go out and get Office 2007 immediately, it rocks! Click here to see all the cool buttons and the new layout for Office 2007.


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