
The Donkey by G.K. Chesterton

When fishes flew and forests walked 
And figs grew upon thorn, 
Some moment when the moon was blood 
Then surely I was born; 

With monstrous head and sickening cry 
And ears like errant wings, 
The devil’s walking parody 
On all four-footed things. 

The tattered outlaw of the earth, 
Of ancient crooked will; 
Starve, scourge, deride me: I am dumb, 
I keep my secret still. 

Fools! For I also had my hour; 
One far fierce hour and sweet: 
There was a shout about my ears, 
And palms before my feet.

Yesterday was Palm Sunday and Chuck Swindoll read this poem from the pulpit about the donkey.  People often overlook this simple story and underestimate it’s signifigance. Throughout Christ’s life here on earth he was humble. He was born in a manger in a barn filled with animals. The same place where they kept the sacrificial animals. Later he makes his “Triumphal” entry on a donkey – the lowliest of animals on the earth.  Christ didn’t come in a chariot, or a white limo, no, these things might have shown arrogance or pride. A chariot might have intimidated or frightened people, but a donkey – no one is afraid of a donkey. That is how Christ comes to us, approachable, gentle, humble and we don’t have to be dressed up in our finest to come to him, all we need is to come as we are.

This week is Easter week. For Christians it is the most important holiday that we celebrate. Christmas is important, but if Christ never died for our sins then his birth would have been meaningless.  What is even more important than his death is his resurrection. Many men have died for worthy causes, but only one man was crucified for our sins and rose again on the 3rd day. Over 500 people saw Jesus and testified to his resurrection. The stone was rolled away, the tomb was empty. Our savior lives.

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