Category: Funny
Biggy left this link in a comment and I’ve watched it numerous times and laughed out loud!
Didn’t Thelma from Scooby Doo used to say Jenkees! Or was it Jeepers? Or both? Anywho, Jiminy Christmas this guy is good and you know who pointed him out ot me? BIG!. I swear that dude may as well be a co-writer of this site and he would be too if he didn’t send me these brilliant nuggets so randomly.
Speaking of BIG!, do you ever watch that show Rob and Big? I wonder if my friend BIG! and I had a show what we would call it since we are both big.
I don’t mean to pat myself on the back… okay, yes, I do… When BIG! and I are together we have great comedic chemistry. It’s literally non-stop laughs, but I have to admit, I’m always bring the funny, the doctor could be telling me I have EBOLA and I would still make a joke. BIG! only brings the funny when I am around, I know because I have been secretly having him followed and there is very little hilarity when I’m not around – just bad dancing.
BIG! and I are actually next to each other at the beginning of this… I am 2nd on the left and he is third. He has the Grill that you will see later.
The Renewed Mind is the Key…
My friend Nikki sent me this and I have to thank her for a great laugh. I can’t believe the intro and then towards the end the solo is hilarious.
Sometimes you just don’t mix hip-hop dance with gospel music. This is one of those examples.
Also, BIG!, tell your Aunt Lucinda May Belle she is off about a half-second in the middle of the routine.
A Recipe for Sarcasm
My friend “BIG!” just couldn’t resist… looks like it must be a slow day for him. The funny thing is that in his email he said this…
Hey man, thanks for the great Quiche recipe, I’ll have to try it out!
It got me to thinking about this great recipe I tried out that I think you will enjoy equally as well. It’s called Gueddo(Gwe-doe). It’s a mixed dish.
Amie said she saw it on Rachel Ray last week but I scanned it from Real Simple magazine, check it out and let me know how you like it. The images really make it easy to follow along. You should add some to your recipe post.
I read it on my BB and thought, “Hey, cool, I’ll try that…” then I logged in and saw it and laughed my butt off. Classic BIG…