I’ve had two interviews now with Fellowship Church and I am quite excited and a little apprehensive. This would be a big change for me, something new and totally different and the guys that have interviewed me have expressed repeatedly that this place will reshape you. Which is exactly what I want. I’m so bored all the time. Even with all of my jobs I feel like it is too easy or has too many limitations for me to really grow and shine. Like I’m some potted plant and in order to really grow I need to be moved to a large pot or planted outside of my comfy house where I can really flourish.
Here are the concepts I came up with for interview #2. In the first interview they asked a lot of great questions and then sent me home with homework. I came back with this:
FC Singles Event Coordinator
Creative Project by Eddie Renz
1. Creation VS. Evolution
a. Fight Night – The Fight of the Millennium
i. Cage Fight with real people
ii. Interviews with fighters placed on YouTube
1. Example Questions:
a. Evolution, despite your many weaknesses, you always seem to stay in the fight, what is the secret to your success?
b. Creation – There have been some new theories concerning your strategy to win this fight, what will make this fight different from all the rest?
iii. Web Page created with the ability to leave comments
iv. After Fight Party
v. Live Streaming Video of the fight
vi. Commentators will actually give the talk while overhead projector screens are used to capture key lines of information that we want to communicate such as statistical data, theories, back story, thinking questions, etc.
vii. Facebook and Twitter Pages and possibly local news coverage and an ad in the Dallas Morning News
viii. Class Description: The Epic War of Creation VS. Evolution has been raging for centuries and that fight continues LIVE June 30 at FC Fight Night. Watch as Evolution and Creation go head to head in a literal Fight for Life.
2. GLBT – Alternative Lifestyles
a. Desperate – A Love Story
i. Front Room filled with true storyboards on the walls.
ii. Either Video footage of real people or actual real people/actors on stage
iii. Create a journey through the lives of 4-8 people who struggle with identity/sexual issues.
iv. After the talk have groups of people go to the back room to discuss and talk about sharing the gospel with people who live alternate lifestyles.
v. Class Description: In a world where everyone is desperate to fit in where do you turn when you don’t? Take a look into the lives of eight individuals who found themselves searching for their identity, seeking happiness, and desperate to be loved.
vi. Example Script – Dear Diary, today I just want to be normal. I’m so tired of living a lie. Shame and Fear are my constant companions.
3. Giving instead of Taking
a. Loaded – A Night of Money, Guns and Glamour or Money, Cribs and Cars.
i. Gimme More Britney Fashion Show
ii. Create an event that is sleek and flashy filled with fast cars, money, clothes and material things that are our cultures idea of success.
iii. Use video clips from MTV Cribs and other shows that highlight wealth
iv. Borrow some nice cars to place inside the building or outside
v. Bring Paparazzi with cameras – red carpet
vi. Find people to Model the clothes
vii. Generation Now – Black-Eyed Peas could be a song that is played instead of Gimme More as the main theme is “I can’t wait, I want it now”
viii. Class Description: Give it to me, or I might just take it… yep, you heard me. I’ve got to have it, I want it all and I want it right now – Nita Moore
b. The G-Now Success Conference and Expo – Have Nothing. Possess Everything.
i. Video at the beginning of the show focuses on something inspirational like Lance Armstrong winning his race, Olympics, Marathons, then have it transition to Race for the Cure, Providing post hurricane aid, etc.
ii. At the end of the video we will use the tag line: What is your measure of success?
iii. The entire night will be a juxtaposition of various types of success.
iv. Live speakers will take the stage and discuss what it feels like to give back and how it is truly better to give than to receive
v. Wrap up the session with Paul’s verse from 2 Corinthians 6 – known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything
vi. Outside in the smaller room setup booths for people to sign up for Habitat for Humanity, Missions, Red Cross, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Charitable Organizations, etc.
vii. Class Description: The G-Now Success Expo will feature interactive workshops that will help you reach your ultimate life goals. Explore new and creative strategies for being successful in all areas of your life.
1. Small Group breakout sessions
2. Question and Answer panel
3. Swag Bags filled with opportunities to give.
4. Sharing Your Faith
a. Jesus Rambo Explosion – It’s a battle, come equipped.
i. Army tanks and hand grenades
ii. The entire theme is based around setting the captives free, equipping the soldiers, etc.
iii. Use the back room as a “base camp” of sorts for planning.
iv. I’m envisioning uniforms and guards at the doors
v. I think a stomp routine might be fun to interject at some point. Military style complete with a drumline from a local high school band if possible.
vi. Class Description: Why do people lose their battles? Because they are ill equipped. In every situation the proper tools are necessary to get the job done. Your mission is to use the tools and training we give to set the captives free.
vii. Flyers will include an outline:
1. Training
2. Equipment
3. Deployment
4. Post Op
5. Recruitment
So these concepts included some pictures and ideas to go along with them all neatly bundled and bound at Kinkos.
Keep me in your prayers as this will be a big change for me and I only hope to do the Lord’s will.