Job Updates


Things are finally getting caught up at the nursing home and soon I will have them at a plan that probably only provides me around 2000-3000 a month and so I need to start looking for other clients in the DFW area.

So far I have emailed about 10 churches about IT support and I haven’t gotten a response back yet. I also need to send out an email to churches in Frisco, Richardson and McKinney and hope that I get some bites. Eventually I would like to only have to go to Waco once a month.

In the meantime I am staying busy with DJ jobs and other types of work, but I’d like some longterm stable clients similar to the nursing home. And I’m open to suggestions… any ideas on who would need an IT guy only some of the time?

Job Updates Stories

Nursing Home News

My job at the nursing home is going great, however, recently the owner suggested, “Hey Eddie, you can stay in one of the rooms here and save the hotel cost.” – The problem was that he was serious. Could you imagine staying the night in a nursing home? I have trouble sleeping in my own house! Every bump, every noise, every cricket chirp wakes me up – I could only imagine the fear that would settle in my bones at the sound of someone moaning or a confused resident climbing into my bed accidentally.

On top of the weirdness of staying in a nursing home there is the size of the beds, the lack of adequate air conditioning and random nurses, some of which are strange men, come in and out of the rooms at all hours. I could just imagine one of them popping into my room and attaching an IV of some sedative or barbiturate and then me being stuck there for the rest of my life. My friends and family would probably think, “Well, this is convenient, now we don’t have to worry about what to do with him when he gets old.”

So when the owner made this suggestion I just replied, “Well that would be convenient” – but I had no plan to stay there. If they don’t want to pay for my hotel, then I can increase my rate and pay for it myself or I can find other work.

I don’t want to wake up one day and realize that I have been in the same room for the past 60 years.  And if I do come up missing, YOU BETTER COME AND GET ME!!!

Job Updates

The World Spins Madly On

I’ve been wondering how long I can sustain this frantic pace. Working in Waco, DJing, doing website updates and selling Mary Kay.

Be “awesome” at one thing is pretty difficult, being “the best” in 4-5 things is nearly impossible. There is too much to know, too much to learn, too much that keeps changing. In order to succeed you have to stay one step ahead of your competition and the competition is fierce.

But I’m hanging in there and doing a pretty sweet job I might add of all of my current projects. The problem is that in order to stay solvent I need to increase my customer base and figure out a way to make more money, save money, pay off bills – pretty much I need to have longterm customers that provide with a good income so I can stay self-employed.

Who knows how long this nursing home gig will last or how long I will want to continue it. Right now it is my bread and butter, but I’m looking for other opportunities in the Plano area so I can stay close to home and not give up 5 hours a week in drive time.

Everything that I said I’d do
Like make the world brand new
And take the time for you
I just got lost and slept right through the dawn
And the world spins madly on

-The Weepies, The World Spins Madly On

Job Updates

Buy Mary Kay. Sell Mary Kay. Use Mary Kay

There is just so much you can do with Mary Kay – not the lady, the actual product silly.

I’ve been enjoying this new business venture. It’s outside of the box and people like to snicker and chuckle when I tell them I am a Mary Kay Salesperson, but I am loving it! The products, the women, the meetings. It’s fun and I enjoy being around beautiful ladies that smell good and give me attention. You have to recall that just 2.5 months ago I was sitting in a cubicle for 8 long hours a day writing process documentation and training people how to use a program called Quality Center and I wanted to gouge my eyes out with a spoon.

So yeah, I’d pretty much sell a turd wrapped in a ShamWow if it guaranteed that I got to be in a room full of pretty ladies. What else do I have to do? I mean I could sit on my couch on Tuesday nights and watch The Biggest Loser, or I could go to a Mary Kay meeting, meet some ladies, networks, hang out, shoot the breeze, etc.

Plus, they have cool websites now:

The first 20 customers that register can have $20 dollars worth of free stuff, no purchase necessary, just sign in, tell me what you want and I will mail it to you.  And if you are looking to make some side cash, then give me a shout.

Job Updates Stories

Nursing Home Variety Show Big Success

The room was filled with octogenarians and other people old enough to be their parents. Few smiles abound in the nursing home because who smiles when they are asleep? 

The variety show was running 30 minutes behind schedule and when someone brought it up I said, “Where do these people have to be?” As if people in a nursing home had some pressing business – perhaps they were missing their daily episodes of Judge Judy or General Hospital, but mostly everyone just looked sedated. 

Then the music began, the curtains were drawn and 6 ladies began dancing to Elvis’s classic hit Jail House Rock. Immediately people began to wake up, including me, and started cheering wildly as these women who could hardly get out of their chairs – and many of them didn’t – started entertaining us with pom poms and smiles. 

Following this opening act was a stunning rendition of The Munchkin Song by an 8 year old girl who was the daughter of one of the judges. Act after act went by and no matter what the level of talent we applauded the efforts because that is what we were doing, applauding people for just getting up and trying. It didn’t matter if you were good or not, and undoubtedly some were, but what mattered was that these people, who often times are overlooked, had the opportunity to be seen and heard and to make people smile. 

I got to be one of the judges and I couldn’t help but give everyone at least a 7 or above. I sat there having such a wonderful time that I couldn’t help but be thankful for the opportunity to be part of this event. 

My new role at the nursing home is IT Director. I only go up to Waco a couple times a month and stay a few days and then I come back to Plano. But I do love the nursing home, the residents, the staff. It has been a blessing and such a sweet change of pace from my old cubicle life at Texas Instruments. 

In the end this variety show breathed a little bit of new life not only into the residents, but also back into me.