
Children’s Room Decorating

This post is for all my friends with kids… I’m talking to you Nikki J., Jenni C., Amber W., Amber N., Nikki H., Amanda B., Amanda M., Amy M., Alison L., and of course my sister Precious.  

Got questions about how to decorate your kids room? Are you tired of the same old car, sports, princess, barbies themes? Well, is the place for you. With cool ideas, fresh color schemes and even design ideas on a budget you will love all the cool stuff on this site. I don’t even have kids but I think I want to use some of these ideas to decorate the spare bedrooms in my house. Let’s face it, we are all just big kids.





This site doesn’t just show you the cool rooms but also has a shopping guide so you can find the stuff you like.

Cool Products Design

Anatomicals – They Only Want You For Your Body

I was browsing around “Print” magazine and found this cool line of toiletries: Anatomicals.

These products might not be all that great, but the packaging is so clever and the titles so fun that you will want to buy them just to make showering more delightful. 

the seven deadly skins


the sleek shall inherit the earth


the grime reaper


the bender mender


Design Job Updates

Projects, Projects, Projects

I’m using my sister’s laptop to write this posted note entry. I’m currently trapped in my house waiting for UPS to deliver my new MacBook Pro. I got a phone call yesterday that said, “Your delivery will arrive between 8am and 7pm. Yeah, an 11 hour window! So I am afraid to leave because I have to sign for my package and people I need that computer so I can start my life! I want to work on web projects and call clients but I’d really like to have something to work on before I start making commitments!

Other projects that I am working on:

  • Texturing guest bedroom
  • Painting Master Bedroom
  • Painting a triptic painting for the dining room
  • Working on
  • Working on
  • Finish painting the garage
  • Finding an agent and working on my book – no, it’s not the “Marry Me” book.
  • Working on the Marry Me book cover and adding illustrations to it.

So those projects are in the works, but yesterday I got a business account setup for the DJ business – as well as the car decals ordered for the back window of the Honda Pilot.


Edified Events – Event Planning with a Christ-Based Focus

Edified Events

Our niche? Those people who don’t have to have alcohol to have a good time and who want to raise money for Christian causes. We plan to donate a portion of our proceeds to ministries both local and abroad.

Design Home

There’s No Place Like Home…

Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat… all the while I’m sitting in my house preparing for the holidays and enjoying the challenge of decorating not only for Christmas but also just getting things done around the house that are extremely necessary.

I’m putting up curtains and since there is only one room in the house with curtains it is an expensive and timely endeavor. Do I go with a warm chocolate brown curtain or something in a cool crisp white? How about red or something in a pattern? What about a new rug and that vintage style clock that I saw at Target? And what about Christmas decorations, do I want to hang snowflakes from the ceiling or large silver ornaments? I’ll be ideating about all of things things endlessly and to further frustrate my creative flow I have to decide what color to paint my bedroom. 

 I recently picked up a nice shade of gray called “Winter Oak” and it turned out to look like light purple on my wall. Then I opted for a color called “Sand” but I’m afraid it looks too much like the gold/yellow color that is in my living room already.

What to do? What to do?

I am excited that right now I can afford to do a few small projects and get some nice things done to my house to make it feel more like a home. Like most things in life working on your home is a non-stop effort, but it’s worth it, because there really is no place like home.