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Courthouse Gold

I’ve been on vacation for the last few days and so I haven’t had a chance to update. When I have been at my computer I’ve been working on websites and planning a huge New Years’ Party for 250 people. A couple of years ago I helped some friends with a New Years Party where we charged $25 per person, this year we are increasing the price and the theme is going to be a little more rugged. The party will be at the Courthouse in McKinney and so I want to do a Bonnie and Clyde theme or Bandits and Babes with hand-cuffs and silver pop guns as party favors.

I’m also having a big Christmas Party at my house on the 13th that I’ve got to plan. On top of that I’m trying to get my bedroom painted and I just purchased curtain rods for the living room, dining room and my bedroom and so I’ve got to install all of those.

So what should I call my party this year for New Years? Any ideas? Courthouse Gold? Babes and Bandits, Courthouse Roundup? Any thoughts you send my way will be appreciated!


Paying Design Job

I’m doing the Website for the City of Sanger. It’s up at I really like the site and how it’s coming together. The header image was literally thrown together and is just a placeholder until they decide what they want to put there.  This is an example of another header option I created.

Design Politics

A Redesign of if Obama Wins

Andy Rutledge redesigns the website for and I think he makes his point very clear. He also mentions on his site that many people that are not U.S. Citizens love Obama and that many of them are from communist and socialist countries. See his comments below after people called him a few unpleasant names.

(As an aside, I note that the two articulate chaps cited above are both from the UK. Britain’s finest, no doubt. In fact, the vast majority of the vulgar and vitriolic responses I saw to my Redux piece came from UK designers. As to whether or not this is indicative of what Socialism does to the populace, I’ll leave for others to determine. But what is certain is that all non-US citizens should stay the hell out of my country’s democratic processes. If nothing else, the fact that legions of Socialists and Communists around the world seem to simply adore Barack Obama is reason enough to doubt the quality of the man, and seems to provide philosophical counterpoint to the criticism offered me.)


Weekend Paint

Yesterday I thought it would be fun to paint one wall in my bedroom. I’ve been brooding over design options in my head for months. I wanted to do a color because everyone is afraid of using color and I’m not afraid of anything… except maybe chartreuse.

I had already sampled a couple of paint colors in a nice shade of Mocha and another shade that looked like dark chocolate, however, on my walls both of them looked like boring crap. Brown is just too easy and too common and so I decided to go with a green that could easily blend in with one of the lighter shades of green that you often see in camoflauge. It was masculine and dark, but not too dark and it made a statement – “The guy who lives here knows how to use color.”

I loved the green and since I had only purchased a quart of it I didn’t have enough to finish the whole wall. I zipped back to Home Depot and couldn’t resist buying a gallon of the green and wait, what’s this? Ooh, Cattail brown! I saw the warm brown tones and immediately thought I should do a gradient on my wall from green to this wonderful brown. It would be like a zen retreat or an African Safari. I could imagine myself wearing one of those hats not unlike the Urban Sombrero and khaki vest and shorts with multiple pockets. Of course I’d have a huge hunting rifle and palm fronds to complete Zen African Retreat.

I went home armed with 2 gallons of Behr pure premium and 42 dollars less in my banking account. I quickly opened the lovely green and slathered the paint on the walls to complete the top portion of my masterpiece. Then I opened the brown and did the gradient only to realize that with the lighting in my bedroom you couldn’t tell there was much of a gradient. Ugh. All the work and effort for nothing and now I still have 3/4ths of each gallon left – what should I do? The Activator in me thought I should paint the entire wall brown and the rest of the room this army green color. I quickly painted the wall brown and decided I would wait for it to dry before I painted the rest of the room. An hour later the wall was dry and I hated the color. It’s a murky brown that says nothing. It doesn’t make me want to shoot a gazelle or an ibex. It doesn’t give me dreams of Africa, rather, it makes me think of baby poo and things that smell unpleasant.

I quickly put my room back together. You would think that after I painted my living room 3 times before settling on a color that I would be better at this by now, but alas, I cannot be persuaded from my vision once I have an idea in my head. I have to see it, try it out, and then decide. It’s an expensive lesson, time and money go out the window, but in the end I do learn something and this time I learned that I don’t like dark brown colors in my bedroom. So maybe I should paint it orange? I’m really tempted to go with a nice tangerine. Just kidding. My second choice is to do very light gray horizontal alternating stripes and then to accent it with bold colors. Unfortunately, this isn’t my idea but one I saw on HGTV and I think the lighter colors will keep the room feeling open and airy.

Design Politics

The New Yorker Cover

This blows my mind. How do people think like this?