
design time


The birds are from Simon Oxley, I removed some of the items in the picture and added the “Yo” and “What Up” as well as the NEI text. Surprisingly, it was everyone’s favorite, however, I was only making it to be funny because the colors don’t really coordinate with our existing SharePoint Site here at work.

NEI Logo Too

This one was my favorite because I created it from scratch using some sweet new Photoshop brushes that look like graffiti. Some people didn’t like the pink, but I think it gives us versatility and the blue and gray match our existing SharePoint site.


Hispanic IT Professionals…

I’ve worked up a series of designs for a coworker, but this is one of my favorites. I could see it on a bag of chips. Hispanic IT Professional Flavored Chips!





Melding real work with design…

My job isn’t creative, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t push the creative envelope every time I get a chance. People see my slides and think they like them, but they either don’t know that I created them from scratch, or they think I put too much time and effort into creating something nice. I really don’t care what they think, I like my work to look cool and fun – even if I have to work after hours to make it look that way.

 Trees - Structure - Growth

This could have been done in a simple org chart structure – as a matter of fact – it was. Boring red and gray and plain text were used and while it looked very standard and corporate, it lacked any real eye-catching appeal or pop. I’ve updated the design and this is stage 2 of the look, the final product is still in PowerPoint. I may upload it later as it has some neat design features that I really like.


Crazy about Moo

I’ve been wanting to get some business cards put together for for ages now. I keep putting it off because no one has had the look that I want for the price I want to pay – until now. Rencently I was reading a bloggers site and she said, “You need business cards – you need Moo.”

Intrigued I headed over and was immediately elated to find that I could print 100 different images on 100 cards for just 19.99. Shut the Front Door! These are mini business cards and that just makes them even more fantastic because they are different than the normal boring business card.

I plan to also use some of their other card services for handing out my blog url, just some that say eddie renz and that’s it.

Also, I’m a little envious that they have this super easy url – how awesome is that?

If you want to make some personalized business cards, photo cards or sticker books – go check them out.  


Why Am I Not A Graphic Artist?

Um, mostly because I don’t know how to use Photoshop and that is sort of a minimum requirement to work anywhere that actually pays for good graphic designers.

But I think I have a good eye for design, even if I have to use PowerPoint and Photoshop to create my stuff.

Something I did recently for work. Man, it was so nice to do this, it really relieves stress to do Design work. I wonder if I can find a small church that needs a graphic designer, communications specialist and Youth Pastor. Maybe then they can pay me a decent Salary and I can be happy doing something(s) that I love.

Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day